wow wall
illustrations wow



MSD Portugal, a top pharmaceutical firm, developed “WOW”, a new collaborative work method, to modernize its culture.

The company faced the challenge of implementing this approach across its diverse workforce to address contemporary business needs.

illustrations wow

Illustrating a Culture of Collaboration

wall and roll-up wow


The project aimed to communicate the “WOW” methodology’s assets effectively, engage audiences, and motivate the swift adoption of new collaborative work practices across the organisation in the shortest time frame possible.


Changing ingrained work behaviours in a large institution is notoriously difficult, especially within a short timeframe. The project needed to overcome resistance to change, inspiring enthusiasm for new ways of working.

wow illustrations
wow illustrations


We developed a branded illustration system with high engagement potential:

1. Created a large-scale illustrated mural for the main building’s entrance, visually representing different teams collaborating.

2. Designed floor-specific illustrations with integrated wayfinding elements for each level of the building.

3. Developed interactive, incomplete illustrations for workshops, allowing teams to complete and color them, fostering engagement with the change process.

4. Produced small-scale illustrations for lifts, toilets, and other facilities as constant reminders of the new methodology.

5. Designed internal communication layouts for CRM and email marketing to reinforce the message.

6. Created branded PowerPoint templates and literature to ensure consistent messaging across all platforms.


+ Branded illustration system

+ Large-scale murals

+ Interactive workshop illustrations

+ Small-scale reminder illustrations

+ Internal communication layout designs

+ PowerPoint templates

+ Supporting literature designs

wow flyer
wow elevator